Repurposing an Ironing Board

I regularly see ironing boards in the “dump” piles out the front of peoples’ houses and it seems such a pity that they will be going straight to landfill, but if you see one grab it, this article will show you how to use it in the garden to help you sow your veggies more easily!

Viola! An Ironing Board!

A short while ago I was able to get hold of an old iron board free for repurposing and it has come in very handy since as an all-purpose potting bench. You can use it to sow seedlings, mix up potting/seed raising mix, pot your seedlings on into the little paper pots or regular pots, you can do your cuttings and other plant propagation tasks as well. It really is multipurpose and the good thing is you don’t need to make any changes to the board itself beyond removing any fabric covers, leaving the wire mesh surface exposed.

Some advantages of using a repurposed ironing board as a potting bench include –


Detail of mesh surface

As you move around, keep an eye out on those rubbish piles you may be able to pick yourself up a very handy potting bench for no cost, on the other hand if you are upgrading your ironing board you can repurpose the old one. Either way, you save money and there is less good stuff cluttering up our landfills.

How it looks in use