Choko Tree Friends - Zvonko & Sladjana

Zvonko, Sladjana and their family live in western Sydney on a small 450 square metre block in a brick veneer house which faces east. They have made use of their sloping front yard by digging small swales and then planting several citrus trees.

They have a small back yard with two chooks in a chook tractor and several veggie beds, a worm farm, composters a number of deciduous fruit trees and three kiwi fruits on a tee shaped trellis. They also have 3 herb/veggie towers of decreasing sizes with herbs and lettuces growing in them that are both functional and decorative.

They have only been in the house for three years  and working on growing their own food for less than two, they are a testament to what can be achieved in a short time with limited space.

Front Yard Citrus Tree

Chook Tractor

Berries in a Large Container

Northern Veggie Ben

Second Part of northern Veggie bed

Herb/Veggie towers (Composter and Another Veggie bed in Background)

Deciduous Fruit Tree Against the Fence

Large Rosemary Bush

Worm Farm

Kiwi Fruit and Tee Shaped Trellis

Raised Bed Veggie Gardens