Under the Choko Tree By Nevin Sweeney

Choko Tree Friends - Blaxland East Public School

The garden area is at the north-western corner of the school grounds. The first garden bed was built in 2007 with a Stephanie Alexander Grant and a Working bee in 2008 meant that things were first planted out in 2008. The garden was then managed by the Garden club with oversight by a teacher, for 5 years with assistance from parents. It was left unattended for nearly 4-5 years. It was then revamped by Beth Healy as volunteer from 2017 until 2020 at which point she was employed by the school as a Kitchen Garden Educator. A diagram of the garden layout can be downloaded here.

Early Days

(Photo: Beth Healy)

(Photo: Beth Healy)

(Photo: Beth Healy)

(Photo: Beth Healy)

Street (or in this case, School street) libraries


(Photo: Beth Healy)

(Photo: Beth Healy)

(Photo: Beth Healy)

(Photo: Beth Healy)

Compost Central & Worm Area

Growing Beds

(Photo: Beth Healy)

The fence!

A couple of Trees

......and Dianella!



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