Under the Choko Tree By Nevin Sweeney

Angela's Capsule Wardrobe

About 6 months to a year ago I decided I wanted to do a capsule wardrobe. It’s not the first time I’ve wanted to do this but the previous time I did it, I bought a whole bunch of cheap clothes that didn’t last very long and this time I wanted to do it better.

So I started looking up capsule wardrobe. The definition seemed to be a few clothes that all go together well. That means, all the same colours, neutral tones and not too many overlapping types of clothing. Since there will be fewer clothes to wear, I would need better quality stuff.

What I wanted and looked everywhere for was a formula. There were a few out there but mostly they seemed so boring and not really fitting to what I needed. I searched everywhere, and that’s when it hit me. There wasn’t a formula. Mainly because it’s so unique. I was someone working from home, but needed nice tops as I show off my top half on camera. I needed comfy clothes otherwise I would not wear them. I didn’t go outside much, I didn’t need a uniform or much nice stuff. I don’t go to the snow. So I found a formula for building the formula.

The process I followed was:

1. Look at all the different styles out there and choose one. I love 1950s dress and also comfy clothes. Sometimes things like overalls fit with that style too.

2. Look at all the clothes that i currently have and cull anything that didn’t fit me anymore or didn’t fit with my style or with my need.

3. Make a list of what I was missing to fit my need.

4. Buy clothes that were quality that fit my style and need.

Sometimes things do cost a bit, but this is slow fashion, and they need to be quality to last a while. I decided to do one for summer and one for winter and just put each one away as needed, though the lines have blurred a little as this summer has been colder for so long and the weather is intermittent so that’s not worked as well.

It is still a work in progress. I still have things I need. The other thing I have decided to make things as I can sew well. I should be able to make things that are cheaper but still good quality as I can control the quality.


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